Login data
If you already have implemented one of our other products (e.g. the Online Sizing Widget) you can skip ahead to Add "Find my size" Button
The Ski Sizing widget authenticates against our API using an API token and whitelisted domains. To get your token and whitelist domains please follow these steps:
Obtain your API Key
If you already received your API key from our support team you can skip this step. To obtain your API key you can log in to Smartfit Analytics using the username and password provided in the welcome email you received. Detailed instructions on how to obtain your API key you will find here
If you have multiple domains or language subpages (e.g. www.yourshop.com/de, www.yourshop.com/en) we recommend to use a separate API key for every domain. This is helpful if you want to use our Recommendation Engine and may also allows you to get more specific analytics about your customers. Click here to learn how to create additional API keys.
Whitelist domains
Usually your main domain is already whitelisted by our support team when you receive the login data. However, if you want to add more domains, e.g. for a development environment, you can do this by logging into Smartfit Analytics. Detailed instructions on how to add additional referrer you will find here