Widget loading issues
The widget won't be loaded
Below you will find possible reasons why the widget can't be loaded.
Referrer not authorized
The Online Sizing widget authenticates against our API using an API token and whitelisted domains. If the domain is missing the widget can't authenticate and therefore won't be loaded. Sometimes referrers are also entered incorrectly. There is a difference between www.bikeshop.com
and bikeshop.com
. More information on how to enter referrers you will find here
Widget blocked by browser extension
Sometimes the widget loading is prevented by adblocker extensions like uBlock Origin or Adblock Plus. Make sure to deactivate those browser extensions to check if this is the reason.
Referrer is blocked
There are browser extensions that prevent the referrer of a page from being sent. Without referrer, the widget cannot be authenticated and will not load. E.g. Referer control.