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Size unavailable


The confirmSizeUnavailable callback triggers a custom function that specifies what should happen if the recommended ski for the customer is not available. You could – like in the example below – navigate to the parent category page in your shop, which shows other ski of the same category.


This information can only be retrieved if the checkIsAvailable callback is configured correctly.

If the ski is out of stock the widget will show a different button reading Continue shopping.

Confirm Size Unavailable Screen

Consider this example for that use case:

const myShowAlternatives = (payload) => {
// you get the same payload as in the checkIsAvailable callback,
// if you need that to construct a category filter url – for example.
const { code, displaySize01, type } = payload;

// here goes YOUR code with the functionality you like when the user clicks on the button "Continue shopping", if the ski is not available.

const OZ_CONFIG = {
settings: {
// config options here
events: {
confirmSizeUnavailable: {
callback: myShowAlternatives,

Depending on your function you may want to change the label of the result button from Continue shopping to something else. Here you find how you can do this in the global configuration for every widget on the page or in the local configuration for single widgets.