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Welcome to the Smartfit Documentation

In this section, you will find comprehensive documentation for all of our products and services. Whether you're looking to integrate our sizing tools into your website, use our analytics platform, or explore our presizing features, you'll find the information you need to succeed.

Our documentation is organized into different sections, each corresponding to one of our plans: Basic, Medium, and Full. To find the right guides and resources for your business, please select your plan from the top navigation menu. This will help you navigate to the most relevant information and get started with our products and services.

We believe that documentation should be clear, concise, and easy to follow. Our documentation is designed to be user-friendly, with step-by-step guides, code snippets, and examples to help you get started.

We're excited to have you on board and look forward to helping you succeed with our products and services.

Happy reading!


If you have any trouble during implementation please feel free to drop us an email: